Shooting the Perfect Panoramic with iOS

Apple introduced the ability to use the native Camera app in iOS for taking panoramic photos back in iOS 6. It's an incredibly powerful feature that allows you to create a panoramic simply by sweeping your iPhone from left to right (or right to left). Prior to this feature, there were third-party apps that allowed you to take your multiple photos and stitch them together. This worked pretty good, but they usually had some problems (specifically in the join area between photo 1 and photo 2).

For those who haven't used the panoramic feature yet, you're missing out on some potentially awesome shots! Here are a few useful tips on taking the perfect panoramic.

Here's how it works: 

First, you need to open the camera app. Then look for, and tap on, the "Options" button at the top. This will reveal more options:


Now, tap on the "Panorama" option. You're screen will now look like this:


To begin shooting your panoramic, press the camera button at the bottom. By default, you'll need to shoot this panoramic from left to right (as indicated in the illustration above). You can, however, change it to start on the right side by tapping the right side of the path indicator before beginning the shoot. Here's a panoramic I shot while in Washington, DC last week (nearly a 180 degree capture):

Here's another tip: Have you ever tried shooting a vertical panoramic?? It's the same concept, just vertical. Be default, you would start from the bottom of the subject and move towards the top. Here's a vertical panoramic I shot a few weeks ago in my hometown. The tree is well over 300 feet tall (impossible to capture in one shot):

Posted on July 17, 2014 and filed under How To, iOS, iPad, iPhone.