How and Why to Deregister Your Phone Number with iMessage

iMessage is a wonderful messaging service that Apple launched in 2011 along side iOS 5 and OS X Mountain Lion. Unlike traditional SMS/MMS texting, iMessages are sent to and from other iOS users via a data network. What's so great about that? Well, it works at 36,000 feet, it doesn't  rack up expensive fees while traveling Internationally and it has a ton of other features that traditional texting can't offer.

Even though they are few and far between (at least in my circles), there are those who decide to ditch the iPhone for an Android. In making that transition, it can be difficult to remove your phone number from the iMessages network, resulting in lost text messages once you'e settled in to the Android platform. In theory, all you need to do is deregister your number on your iPhone before switching, but even then, it can sometimes not work. This post will explain how to avoid that headache.

Apple recognized that removing your number from their iMessage network can be a painful process. As a result, they launched a new self-service site to help.

Using the site is super easy and self-explanatory. Simply enter your phone number and the service will send you a code. When you receive your code, enter it into the site and the reregistration process will be complete. You are now iMessage free! That is, until you decide to rejoin the network when you switch back to an iPhone. 😉

Posted on November 14, 2014 and filed under How To, iOS, iPad, iPhone, Mac, Opinion.