Adding Album Artwork to iTunes Content

I think it's safe to say that most (if not all) of us like to consume iTunes content, whether it be movies, music, TV shows, podcast... you name it, and there's at least some value to that. For most people, this love for content can also mean large iTunes libraries. If those libraries are well-organized, this isn't a big deal. But when it's not organized, it can be a painful process to find just what you're looking for.

I'm a visual person. I look for things with my eyes and pick up on colors, shapes and images to find what I'm looking for quickly. For that reason, I rely on album artwork to be in place to help make my content recognizable. When content is downloaded from the iTunes Store, that artwork is automatically in place for us. When it's brought in from another source (i.e.: DVD, CD, etc), you won't get a copy of that artwork automatically because it didn't know where to get it from. Even under those circumstance, it can be easy to resolve this issue. Here's how.

I recently ran across a great little app called "Covered" (download here for free!). Covered is an app that simply searches the web for us in search for the artwork to go along with that music album, movie or TV show.


Prior to discovering Covered, I would have to search the web myself for the perfect artwork. That usually took at least a few minutes of time, AND some PhotoShopping to get the right aspect ratio and to remove some parts of the artwork that I didn't want on there. Are you calling me OCD? Absolutely.

Rather than telling you how Covered works, I thought I would show you. The video below is a real-world example of how quick and easy it is to use Covered, helping to keep your iTunes content clean and organized.

Now sit back, relax and enjoy the video!

Posted on September 17, 2015 and filed under Design, How To, Mac, Opinion.