Safari is a great web browser. It's fast, secure and plays very well with industry browser standards. It also has some really nice tricks baked in to make your browsing experience even more enjoyable.
I often find myself going forward and backward through my browser's history. For the longest time, I did this by using the left and right arrows at the top of the browser.
This is certainly a valid way of navigating through your history, but there are two other methods that I have found to be even easier to use.
Keyboard Shortcut
The first method is by holding down the Command button while pressing either the left arrow key (to go backward) or the right arrow key (to go forward). For those who prefer keyboard shortcuts, this could be a great improvement for you.
Trackpad Multi-finger Gesture
For those (like me) who prefer trackpad gestures, you can do the same by swiping either left or right using two finders on your trackpad.
If this method doesn't work for you, you may want to check your gesture settings by going to System Preferences > Trackpad > More Gestures.
Here's a quick video showing what it looks like to use Safari using multi-finger gestures.