Last month, Apple unveiled details on their iPhoto replacement app called "Photos". Since then, technologists and photographers alike have been talking about the new features, mostly positive. Until now, only registered Apple developers were able to get their hands on an early beta version of the new app. As of this week, however, the beta is available to ALL users! Here's how to get it.
First, you need to register to be a member of the OS X Beta Program. This is a quick and free process. To do this, visit the following site:
Once you are registered, you will have access to the new Photos app, as well as other beta applications that are made available to the general beta population.
Join the OS X Beta Program and help make future releases of OS X even better. Install the latest pre-release software, try it out, and submit your feedback.
Important note: it's always a good idea to make sure you have a good backup of your system prior to installing beta software.