Translate Languages Like a Pro

One of the things that I love about macOS is that there are so many hidden gems, if you know where to look. I’ve been using some version of an Apple product for the better part of 20+ years, and I still find myself discovering new features almost daily. Today’s Tech Talk tip is one such recent discovery.

It was about a month ago that I received an email from a German employee for one of our US-based clients. It was great to hear from him, but there was one problem… the email was in German and I don’t speak German (despite my family roots). Historically, I would use to translate, but I’ve always found that to be a little tedious.

When I highlight a word or string of words and right-click, I’m usually looking for some specific like “Copy” or “Paste”. When I paid closer attention, I noticed an option called “Translate”. My immediate reaction was, “Wait, what?? Could this…” And guess what, it did!!

Not only will it translate the text that I have highlighted, but I can either copy the translated text or (even better) REPLACE the original text with the translated text! Guys, this is so SIMPLE yet POWERFUL! Watch the video below and send us your comments!

What little tricks have you discovered that you can share with the world?

Posted on March 30, 2023 .